You look at a person and do you ever really see who they are... No one knows that I'm dying inside... Does your spirit ever heal once it's been shattered so many times?
Saturday, November 02, 2002
Yesterday was so awesome! I got to see Crystal and christina for the first time in like a year. WooHoo! We are in Tucson right now, adn we are gonna go out so I can't write a lot now. Maybe later. Even though I didn't write anything yesterday. Well I will right later, okay. OH, and I did end up getting to go out on Halloween. Okay, bye.
Thursday, October 31, 2002
Yeah ! so My life is completely LAME! I am at home on Halloween! May I mention that I am at home ALONE! No firends over what so ever. Just my parents, and since I've been here not even one trick-or-treater! I have the most boring life imagineable! I can't even afford gas to just drive around because Even though I work four days a week from 8am to 5pm my last paycheck was for $88! How pathetic is that! Anyways I'm gonna TRY to find something to do! Some one please rescue me...
Wednesday, October 30, 2002
So I don't get to go to Hazy Dayz tonight, I'm totally bummed. The first time in a month that I haven't made it. Well I was busy yesterday, but I can't believe I missed a post (and now I can't even type good). So yesterady was work it was okay, today was pretty good. it went fast. :) that is the best! when something so long goes so fast. I wish I could go to Hazy Dayz tonight. It's 6:38 if I hauled ass I would be there by nine. But then the drive home in the morning! UGHHHH! I can't handle that drive alone, I was falling asleep last time I tried it. It's just too hard if I have to work.
Today is The 30th, In two days I get to see one of my best friends. Yay! I can't wait. It's gonna be great ( wotw #1) we are gonna have so much fun, I haven't seen Crystal in over a year. Same for Christina (who is going wiht me to get Crystal from the airport) man the three of us were close, come on! we were @5.7.9@ ~if you don't know the story call me and I'll tell you~I can't wait to see them again. It's been so long. I'm going to feel like I'm in High School again. Well I am gonna go see what my neighbor is up to. I wish I was in Tucson.
:( Sorry I couldn't make it Lani...I really wanted to. Well Friday is gonna be hella cool (wotw #2) no Work, I'm gonna see Lani and Crystal and Stina!!!
Tomorrow is Halloween, I am still trying to figure out how exactly I want my costume to look. I have a big part of it...But I don't know what else I can do. I'm tired, maybe I'll just take a nap instead of visiting my neighbor...Choices...Why is everything choices? A
Today is The 30th, In two days I get to see one of my best friends. Yay! I can't wait. It's gonna be great ( wotw #1) we are gonna have so much fun, I haven't seen Crystal in over a year. Same for Christina (who is going wiht me to get Crystal from the airport) man the three of us were close, come on! we were @5.7.9@ ~if you don't know the story call me and I'll tell you~I can't wait to see them again. It's been so long. I'm going to feel like I'm in High School again. Well I am gonna go see what my neighbor is up to. I wish I was in Tucson.
:( Sorry I couldn't make it Lani...I really wanted to. Well Friday is gonna be hella cool (wotw #2) no Work, I'm gonna see Lani and Crystal and Stina!!!
Tomorrow is Halloween, I am still trying to figure out how exactly I want my costume to look. I have a big part of it...But I don't know what else I can do. I'm tired, maybe I'll just take a nap instead of visiting my neighbor...Choices...Why is everything choices? A
Monday, October 28, 2002
Ugghhh! Monday! hahaha It was (and still is) acti\ually a good day. I am at work right now. Such a slacker aren't I? Well I only have 10 minutes left, and I didn't wanna miss a post today so I figutred I would take care of it right now. I can't wait til Friday! Crystal comes in at 10:00 pm! Yay! A whole weekend (and much more) with my Best Friend! This week is going to go so slow becasueI jsut want friday to come! AHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so EXCITED! okay I'm gonna go now... Only 5 minutes left! WooHooo! I can't believe how fast today went. I love you Lani, Hopefully see you on Wednesday. :)
Sunday, October 27, 2002
Well, I am back from Tucson now, the drive home was actually pretty interesting. I met a guy named Robert. I was doing the "drive by & check out car next to me for hot guys" thing and I drove past his car. He's pretty cute. When I past him he came back up next to me to look again, then he held up his phone like he wanted my phone number. Funny enough, I had a sharpie Marker and Paper in my seat next to me. So I wrote it down and held it up when I past them again. Hahaha! doesn't that crack you up? Well About 30 miles later I am getting off on the exit for the Northbound I-17 and he passes me again, and his mom holds up a paper that said "stop at next exit" hehehe. right on. WellI talked to him for about 5 or 10 min at the Gas station. He is on vacation and he has an awesome accent. He's from Chezch...(shit, I can't spell it) anyways his family is on vacation to California for a week and he said he will call me on the way back. How cool is that! Well I have to work tomorrow. So I need to get to bed, somewhat, on time. Night. :)
I don't have much to write today. It's Sunday, and I am still in Tucson. I leave today though. I have to work on Monday. I wish I could come back Wednesday for Hazy Dayz. I went last night and got a cup of chai. They have freakin' awesome chia there. Wanna know a really good combination... Chai and Peanut Butter M&M's I'm gonna go now.
I'll write later...hopefully.
***I feel like playing the guitar right now...If only I knew how to play...Note to self: go home & tune guitar...try to play a few chords.
I'll write later...hopefully.
***I feel like playing the guitar right now...If only I knew how to play...Note to self: go home & tune guitar...try to play a few chords.