Well, Friday night went great. I did get hit on by a hot guy! I'm not sure if it was more that I hit on him and he was just cool with it or what. I don't know, and really I don't care...Because (hahaha, always a "because") on Saturday I went to a party and met the hottest guy in the city of Glendale! And he actually asked for my number. Then He called me like two hours after the party (before I went to bed) and said he was gonna call me on Sunday...AND He DID! but unfortunately I was taking a nap and I didn't hear my phone ring :( so he left a message...But he left a message. Is that bad ass (like good) or what.
I went hiking/ running (3MI trails) Friday: 530am, Saturday: 530pm, Sunday: 6pm, this morning: 530am, and I go again at 630pm. Hopefully the extra stress works me hard so Saturday (First day of my Firefighter 1-2) doesn't kick my ass too hard. I wake up every day with a knot in my stomach now because class is getting so close. I've got all these emotions. *excited!, nervous...* it's doing wonders (not really) for my sleep schedual.
Hopefully Tony calls me tonight. *sigh* hahahha