It was so weird, like out of a movie. I was at the bus station totally upset because I didn't get to say goodbye to my baby sis before I left. :(.'.'.'. So we boarded and I'm sitting there getting depressed because I don't know when I'll see her again. So I called my friend Crystal because she always cheers my up, and I haven't even been on with her for 15 sec. (literally when I hung up it was a 14 sec call) and I'm telling her I'm bummed and why. Then I hear "Jonya?" And I look up and my sister is standing there on my bus. I cried and gave her a hug. And just like that she was gone again and I was sitting in my seat crying. I questioned whether it really happened or not. My bus pulled away a minute later. And she was sitting on the corner. She stood up and started waving and I just put my hand on the window and cried. I love my little sis. I cried for like 10 min. afterwards. The people on the bus must have though I was retarded. That is where the movie part ended. Because if it were a movie I would have made the bus driver stop the bus and ran off and stayed forever. But we all know gimpy people on crutches can't run. Good night Lani, I love you.
P.S. I met a guy from South Africa on the bus. he was visiting friends at the university. I call him "The Guy" or "The Guy from South Africa" because I didn't get his name. I wrote about him in a letter to Crystal. I was "people watching" he was the most interesting. He was writing to, I wonder if he wrote about me wondering if I was writing about him. I should have asked. hahaha! He wrote all the way from Tucson to Phoenix as did I. He offered to help me take my bags off the bus. Thank you "The Guy".
P.S.S. Hey 7! your letter is four pages long, but I wrote it on a bus so it's bumpy at parts, I'll mail it Monday. :)
Lesson of the day: One moment can make or break your day.
You look at a person and do you ever really see who they are... No one knows that I'm dying inside... Does your spirit ever heal once it's been shattered so many times?
Saturday, October 12, 2002
It's 3:33 pm. And my bus back to Phoenix leaves at 4:25, I still have to buy my ticket. So I need to be there at 4:00. And my sister isn't home. I have no Idea how to get there. Okay I have one Idea! Cabbies. Lani is friends with cabbies. so I called one up. Cool I have a ride. I fixed one problem. Now the Second. No way to say goodbye to my little sis. :( I'm sad, oh but I hear voices. Is someone here? Nope, voices for someone else. Okay well I am off to Phoenix again. Sad to leave too. But I have to go back. I wish I haad some time to clean up here before I left, she would have liked that. Well I am going now, I hope the ride back isn't too long. I have a book. "Return of the King" third in the series of Lord of the Rings. Good Bye Jess, Good bye Tucson, and most of all Good bye Lani I love you forever. Sorry I couldn't say good bye.
I'm so tired. It's only mid-night on a Friday (none-the-less). And guess what I am going to do. That's right I am going to sleep. I don't understand what is so wrong with me that I have nothing to do on a Friday night. I ...personally....think it's the crutches, why would any guy hit on a chick with crutches? The method behind the madness...I haven't been hit on since I had the surgery. But then again, I didn't get hit on before the surgery (except by drunk guys...or the kinda guys that don't call ***some know that story, no names mentioned. I promise. hahaha***) But that could be because I was only single for about 20days before the surgery. The possibility of having something to do tonight could have been better, but the way I see it (through my eyes...hahah) All of my sisters cute friends have a crush on her. But here is the good thing. Since I am the only one home (out of 3) with nothing to do. And we have a "Sleeping Schedual" (you may ask later) I get to HOG the bed until someone else (of the 3) gets home and wants to sleep on the bed (there is a perfectly good "Black Squishy Thing" on the floor). So I guess this can be a good deal for me. Off I am to bed, before someone gets home and ruins my plan.
Friday, October 11, 2002
From a crossroads for settlers, American Indians, and French traders to a railroad hub, Chicago has served as a nexus in connecting east and west. Almost destroyed in the great fire of 1871, it survived to become a culturally diverse city with friendly residents.
What US city are you? Take the quiz by Girlwithagun.
So I did this quiz. Chicago. Weird. but since the city was almost destroyed in a fire. And I am going to be a Firefighter, I might as well put it on.
Yeay! I had so much fun tonight.I brushed four horses at the sanctuary. Captain, Snow, Sugar, and Copper. Copper is beautiful and he would be my favorite if he didn't nip my leg while I was brushing him. Nah, Sugar is my favorite. I knew that before I even got nipped by Copper. Sugar kept putting her head on my shoulder while I was brushing her. Then she tried to follow me out of her pen. :) I love horses. And I found the dog I want, His name is Timber (Goliath has an owner...:( ) He's got a bit of huskie in him, but he looks like a wolf, and he's huge. I like big dogs. He is so loving too. I have such a soft sopt for animals. Can't you tell?
If quitters never win, and winners never quit, who came up with, "Quit while you're ahead"?
If quitters never win, and winners never quit, who came up with, "Quit while you're ahead"?
hmmmm, I'm so tired right now. For the second time this week I didn't go to bed until almost 5:00am... Wow! Isn't that late (or is it early?). Today I am going back to the Dog and Horse sanctuary to pet animals. When I can walk them I will go back again. But since I am "Gimpy" on crutches, I cannot walk them. But I love animals. There is a dog there I would want. He's beautiful. His name is Goliath. You don't walk him, he walks you. He's a Pit Bull, but white and light brown. I guess it's a good thing to be still living at home. It curbs my desire to bring home animals all the time. Well, I will write later when we come back. Right now I'm so freakin' (wotw) hungry! I think I am going to go rummage through my sisters cabinets looking for food. YUMMY!
So anyways, I finally got the whole comment thing working. I am so extatic, you guys don't understand how computer illiterate I am. (Not really too bad I guess since I can explain things to other people) I just feel that way sometimes, because the Template page is so CONFUSING! But I got it working just the way I want it. Aren't you Proud of me. I wanted to Jump up and down when I finally got it working.
***but of course I can't jump up and down (stupid surgery)***
***but of course I can't jump up and down (stupid surgery)***
So that whole paper clip thing! great...:) I went and bought a new tounge ring tonight. Only a 14 gage. I used to have a 10 gage. But this one went in so easy. Just slid right in! I love it! I missed it so much. My mom really is gonna hate me. But Hey! I didn't go and get it was still the same hole from 3 years ago when I went to Australia. Hmmmm, I loved it there. I seriously think I could have lived there. It was beautiful. I hate Arizona anyways. I'm gonna leave one day. It's just a matter of when. Sorry to disappoint you guys that want me to stay in Phoenix for the rest of my life. Maybe I won't leave AZ, just the valley. I hate it here.
(dpotw) "It just slid right in!"
(dpotw) "It just slid right in!"
Thursday, October 10, 2002
If it is a 50 mph per hour wind and you drive your car at 50mph downwind, if you stick your head outside would you feel the wind?
Hmmm, that's a good question. I think you'll still feel wind, just not on your face. (Then again I never was good at the "if you drop a pencil from a height in a moving bus what would happen" question in my physics class. What is the answer to that one?
Hmmm, that's a good question. I think you'll still feel wind, just not on your face. (Then again I never was good at the "if you drop a pencil from a height in a moving bus what would happen" question in my physics class. What is the answer to that one?
discover what candy you are @
I don't even like candy necklaces.
BLUE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!! My Favorite color is GREEN not Blue! Freakin (wotw) A**!!!
So I tried it. I didn't think it was going to work. But anyways I got a paper clip. Soaked it in rubbing alcohol (gotta be very clean with your mouth, you know). Then I tried to put it though where my hole used to be. And guess what! It worked! HAHAHAHHA! My mom is going to Hate me. But I really missed it. Oh I 'm so Happy right now. I think I'll go find somewhere that sells tounge rings. I don't have to pay $50. to have it re-done again. How cool is that.
I had a dream about going and getting my tounge peirced again. Well right before I did in my dream I checked and my hole was still there. so I ended up not doing it in my dream. Then I saw a guy from high school and my friends brother in the dream. It was really weird. I woke up and moved my tounge around in my mouth thinking I would feel the metal again. I really miss mine. Anyways, it made me wanna check to see if my hole is still there. I think I'm gonna go check right now. hmmm I doubt it, but wouldn't that be cool?
hmmm, "Back to the Future II" good movie. hahaha, that's what we watched last night. Anyways, this is the earliest I've been up in a long time..."Back in the bar, Getting cynically stoned. Your friends are drinking alone. But it's funny, they don't even cross your mind When she asks you into her home." Another good song. I love music, I love to sing! I am so tired right now only like 2.5hrs of sleep. So I am definitely going back to bed! It's 7:45! way to early for me to be up... ****sweet dreams? here I come****
AAAAAAAaaahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!! ****Thinks to self "I scream too much"**** Joanna's friends just came over and it was so weird. The first one his name was Michael, adn he introduces his friend who turns out to be Stephen! How weird is that. The only two guys in my life I've ever had a serious relationship with. Michael & Stephen! Way to weird for me. Anyways they invited me to go hang out with them and watch movies ( Yeay! something to go out and interact with people and just hang out to make New FRIENDS!)
"It's always times like these when I think of you and I wonder if you ever think of me.'Cuz everything's so wrong, and I don't belong living in your precious memory. 'Cuz I'll need you, and I'll miss you. Now I wonder...If I could fall into the sky do you think time would pass me by..." just a song that was in my head... I though I'd get it in yours too. :) Life's like this!
Well tonight was my first night in a Hooka Bar. A Hooka Bar...sounds funny huh? I listed to people read poetry all night. And it was fun. In a few ways quite intriguing (is that even spelled right?) I mean, I've never thought about how guys feel. They fall in love also. But I've been hurt by so many of them that I never thought it remotely possible for them to feel pain in the same way I have. Guys are funny though. One of the readers made me want to laugh so hard, he was making everyone laugh with his "Epic Poem" about war which turned into two men fighting in loin cloths instead of many people fighting (to save the lives of innocent children) and all of a sudden the two men were naked and "boning" each other in the Ass. It was hillarious. And it was nice to just sit back and watch people interact. And not so surpisingly I did not get hit on once. As far as I know not even a glance. In fact it's been quite a long time since I've been hit on by a decent man that want's just a little more than sex...I just want more friends, but I'm the shy one.
Wednesday, October 09, 2002
I'm looking out my sisters door right now, and the sun is setting, shining down on my hands as I type this. It's casting shadows on the wall. I look out the door, and I catch a glimpse of the setting sun. It's beautiful. It's pulling at me, wanting me to follow it on a trip around the world for one day, to see the beauty of life and nature... I wanna go camping.

Your magical style is Psychic.
What type of Magic do you work?. Take the Magical Style Quiz by Paradox
Your magical style is Psychic.
What type of Magic do you work?. Take the Magical Style Quiz by Paradox
AAAAAAAAAAAAAhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I just woke up! it's like past 1:00pm! hmmm, but it felt so good. :) I feel really good today. I got this song off the internenet. I absolutely love it. Great Big Sea "Sea of No Cares". I dunno, the song is just great. "When you're in love, theres no time and no space. There's a permanent smile on your face. Your friends all complain that you're going insane. But the truth is they're just afraid." Hey you know what, it's true. 3 years is a long time, but it went by so fast. It's been over a month now. But I remember it like it was yesterday. That's when it hurts. I know I'll fall in love again. So today I feel like I'm on top of the world. I am so happy to be visiting Tucson. I love my little sister(s). My Lani, You make me so Proud. I'll love you forever, and I'll always be here for you.
Well it's 12:32 am. I don't know who will read this but you're lucky... straight into the mind of me. I had a really long day. It's hard when you loved someone so much, and then you lost them. (Don't worry he's not dead) "don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." Right? not today. I wasn't up to the challenge. (Sorry guys. I Just have to get this out of my system.) Sometimes I really hate guys. Why is it that the ones you want to be with you can't? There is always something in the way. I mean, I tried new things. But no guy will ever match up to Mike, no matter what happened between us. "You do what you do, and you pay for you sins. There's no such thing as 'What might have been?' That's a waste of time. Drive you outta your mind." That's all for now. I'm tired and I hurt. Will anyone ever love me the way he did, without what happened between us? It could have gone forever. I love him, I always will. He just can't be the one.