No one I know knows the pain I have gone through today. I had a dream about Frankie (my friend that died in Iraq) and since I woke up I feel like breaking down. I know none of my friends know the real me. I wanna break down so bad and be comforted. I want people to tell me that things will be fine. But I know they won't.
Last night I had this dream, and at first I only knew it was a guy in my dream. We're riding in a big white truck (I'm driving) and leaving the lake going to my house trying to beat my roommates, so we get there first. I'm in the garage and think to myself "I left the door open" He comes in and opens it more *til this point I still didn't know who the guy was * I see him in the doorway. First legs and black gym shorts (is there a reason his shorts are black?) then no shirt... then I see his face and he's smiling... Frankie. He died December 16th 2004.
I just wanna know why this dream happened. I wanna go see his grave. I miss him so bad. I miss his smile and I miss him laughing. He called me from Okinawa... That was the last time I heard his voice. He talked to me in my dream but I don't even know what he said, I can't even remember his voice.
I miss him so much.
Circle Island... That’s it Frankie.