Tuesday, November 12, 2002

Well today started off pretty good, I got to sleep in. I am getting ready to go down to the union to put my application in. But I am starving, so I wanna eat something first. ***Yummy leftover Chicken :) ***
I left Mike's house (around 12:15) and tried to call Crystals Brother, Mark, and my phone won't let me call out, but I can receive calls. You know what that means. The Bill. So I call mom when I get back to Crystals house (after I was lost for half an hour) and she said she paid the bill. I think I am going to get on their web page & see what's up.
Well I went to the page. As far as I can tell it’s not my phone running up the bill. It must be my ex’s (Both phones are under the same account) so I tried to call him and see if he has given my mom any money for his phone lately…No Answer. Damn it! I hate having to be the “bill collector” I think When I talk to him I am going to ask if he is ready to get his phone under his own name now. I don’t want to have to deal with him for this stuff. Sounds like a good idea to me.
Well I am going to call my mom again later. I was supposed to go down to the union today but I only have $29 in my account and I need $35 to pay the fee, but if I go today I will over draw my account and I can’t do that. (It’s an $18 fee) I might have to wait until Friday. Which freaking sucks because Crystal’s job is hiring now and the later I put in the lower on the list I get.

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