Sunday, February 23, 2003

Word/Phrase of the Week: Insane/ "It was INSANE!"
AHHHHHHHH!!!! I can't explain my head really... I feel so good right now. I haven't even thought about guys since Thusday night. That night I finally got to the point in my head where I was like, "You know what, I don't need a boyfriend. I'm okay on my own and I'll be okay on my own."
It took me a long time to come to that decision...but I reached it. And I just smiled, you know? It's weird the way the world works, the second I stop looking for a guy... Happens to be in the same minute a guy starts looking for me. I'm not saying anything big...but One little thing happend in all of my "maddness" today, and I totally didn't expect it... What could this "one little thing" be? first let me explain myself: I haven't had a guy approach me and "hit" on me in...(to tell the truth I don't know) Then only way I ever get guys is if my friends set me up with them, which kinda sucks. But, it's my way of life (hehehe)...SO I got asked for my number tonight, and I'm sure there are a few people reading this like "not cool, not cool at all" but it's such a BIG self-esteem booster! I'm tired of being "set-up" with guys by my friends...I mean don't guys understand that they are supposed to ask girls for thier #'s or hit on the girls? A lot of guys "now-a-days" are scared, I don't know why (what's up with that?!?), yeah this guy was (is) really cute...and it totally made my day for that to happen. Crystal probably thought I was on crack when I called her after I left. Just wait until (if) he calls me, then she'll really think I'm on crack when I call her.

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