Monday, March 10, 2003

hey! How many people watched Fear Factor tonight? How about Meet My Kids (supposed to be Meet My Folks)? It was great...although I'm bummed Third Watch wasn't on...:(

Song of the Day: "All that Jazz" (who sings it?) I've had it in my head since I woke up...
Memory of the Day June 26th 1999 The day my little(est) sister was born. God she was so small. She's grown up so fast...still growing up so fast. I don't know what I'm gonna do when I have kids. Can't protect them forever you know... *sigh* I love my family. I can't wait (uhhh...Yes I can) until I have my own family (probably a very long ways away). *Wow man! I can't even think one sentance without thinking (ummm) more than one sentance? Hahahah.*

Today I was reading over some of my old enties in the archives. I can't believe how far I've come along (like my mind set) since what happened with Mike. I've recently (within the last few months) realized that he was not as good to me as I thought...I felt like he had "pulled the wool over my eyes" I mean, If you read the first few entries on this website. I was saying how I thought no one could ever treat me better than he did... Jesus Christ what was I thinking!!!! I mean shit! He always took his problems out on me! Yelled at me...I didn't deserve it. but he just wanted power over something, me. Not anymore. I used to think I was never going to get out of that "rut" I was in after he & I broke up...Used to think I was going to hate every guy forever because they were all like him...But , God!, they aren't! and I see that now. I am so much happier now... I feel like I smile a lot more, and I feel good about myself again. I don't feel like every guy is like him anymore...Thank God!
Breathe Deep...

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