Saturday, July 19, 2003

It's 4:32am, in less than one hour I'll be at Thunderbird Mountain doing PT to get ready for my Fire Operations class.
You know I was thinking earlier ....I feel lonley sometimes. It's almost been the whole summer, my first summer in six years without a boyfriend. I know I won't have one by the end of the summer, I'm sure I won't have one during my Fire Op's class...Not enough time *unless he cared enough to make the time for me, I haven't had a guy do that in a long time. I joke that it's about the sex, but it's not really that (maybe a little hehehehe) I guess someone to be around. A good friend, I have a good *guy* friend right now, but this is the last weekend I'll spend with him ("spend" is such a, I dunno, seems like it's a strong feeling word, but it's not like that for him & me, just friends =p)
It's okay. I've got the guys...and I want to start running with Jay and Chewy (so if you are reading this you better call me!) time to go get ready for PT. wish me luck...

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