I'm beginning to think that I am never going to meet a guy that actually wants me, just to know me. It seems like the more time I spend with people the less willing to spend time with me they become. Maybe it's all in my head. Why should things regress? I don't understand. You meet a person...spend time with them, supposed to want to spend more time with them if you like them. Maybe I'm just not a likeable person. I thought I was very likeable. I have a great sense of humor, I'm told that I am cute (I have no idea if it's true or not - mostly not ***probably*** I just don't get hit on enough to be cute), and I get along with people very well, I just have a good personality. I know what it is! I JUST DON'T UDERSTAND GUYS!!!! and I probably never will.
Hmmmm...I'll just keep trying. (even though ***according to other people*** I shouldn't have to.)
GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why are guy's so fucking retarded??? Nah...they aren't retarded, they are just weird. I wish I could understand them. Why do they have to be so complicated? I mean they think chicks are complicated...but really, it's them! I guess it's different from their point of view. They think we are complicated we think they are complicated. But on our side of the story we can understand each other and on their side they can understand each other. But we can't understand them and they can't understand us. Is that confusing or what? I don't really even have a reason for calling guys "fucking retarded", I just felt like it.
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