You look at a person and do you ever really see who they are... No one knows that I'm dying inside... Does your spirit ever heal once it's been shattered so many times?
Saturday, October 12, 2002
I'm so tired. It's only mid-night on a Friday (none-the-less). And guess what I am going to do. That's right I am going to sleep. I don't understand what is so wrong with me that I have nothing to do on a Friday night. I ...personally....think it's the crutches, why would any guy hit on a chick with crutches? The method behind the madness...I haven't been hit on since I had the surgery. But then again, I didn't get hit on before the surgery (except by drunk guys...or the kinda guys that don't call ***some know that story, no names mentioned. I promise. hahaha***) But that could be because I was only single for about 20days before the surgery. The possibility of having something to do tonight could have been better, but the way I see it (through my eyes...hahah) All of my sisters cute friends have a crush on her. But here is the good thing. Since I am the only one home (out of 3) with nothing to do. And we have a "Sleeping Schedual" (you may ask later) I get to HOG the bed until someone else (of the 3) gets home and wants to sleep on the bed (there is a perfectly good "Black Squishy Thing" on the floor). So I guess this can be a good deal for me. Off I am to bed, before someone gets home and ruins my plan.
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