Saturday, October 12, 2002

I'm so tired. It's only mid-night on a Friday (none-the-less). And guess what I am going to do. That's right I am going to sleep. I don't understand what is so wrong with me that I have nothing to do on a Friday night. I ...personally....think it's the crutches, why would any guy hit on a chick with crutches? The method behind the madness...I haven't been hit on since I had the surgery. But then again, I didn't get hit on before the surgery (except by drunk guys...or the kinda guys that don't call ***some know that story, no names mentioned. I promise. hahaha***) But that could be because I was only single for about 20days before the surgery. The possibility of having something to do tonight could have been better, but the way I see it (through my eyes...hahah) All of my sisters cute friends have a crush on her. But here is the good thing. Since I am the only one home (out of 3) with nothing to do. And we have a "Sleeping Schedual" (you may ask later) I get to HOG the bed until someone else (of the 3) gets home and wants to sleep on the bed (there is a perfectly good "Black Squishy Thing" on the floor). So I guess this can be a good deal for me. Off I am to bed, before someone gets home and ruins my plan.

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