Thursday, October 10, 2002

Well tonight was my first night in a Hooka Bar. A Hooka Bar...sounds funny huh? I listed to people read poetry all night. And it was fun. In a few ways quite intriguing (is that even spelled right?) I mean, I've never thought about how guys feel. They fall in love also. But I've been hurt by so many of them that I never thought it remotely possible for them to feel pain in the same way I have. Guys are funny though. One of the readers made me want to laugh so hard, he was making everyone laugh with his "Epic Poem" about war which turned into two men fighting in loin cloths instead of many people fighting (to save the lives of innocent children) and all of a sudden the two men were naked and "boning" each other in the Ass. It was hillarious. And it was nice to just sit back and watch people interact. And not so surpisingly I did not get hit on once. As far as I know not even a glance. In fact it's been quite a long time since I've been hit on by a decent man that want's just a little more than sex...I just want more friends, but I'm the shy one.

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