You look at a person and do you ever really see who they are... No one knows that I'm dying inside... Does your spirit ever heal once it's been shattered so many times?
Sunday, December 29, 2002
Wednesday, December 25, 2002
The bus ride to Phoenix was really long, it was supposed to be only 21 (HA! only!) hours but it ended up being around 23 hours. It's cool though I made some really neat friends. It's weird how you just talk to people on bus rides. I can't believe I am doing that again in 3 days! agggghhhhh! oh well. I'm really glad I got to come home for Christmas, it would have been nice to have a white one but I have plenty of time for that later in life. :)
I just got off the phone with my aunt in Hawaii, I got to talk ot her for about 40 minutes, which is cool I haven't seen her in about a year and before that it had definetly been a while. I got her address though, so now I can write to her. I love writing letters...pen pals are fun, (aren't they 7?) hahahah. Anyways I'm gonna go now...gotta give Santa some time to slip down the chimney. Night guys...Breathe Deep & Merry Christmas!
Monday, December 23, 2002
Thursday, December 19, 2002
Wednesday, December 18, 2002
Tuesday, December 17, 2002
Monday, December 16, 2002
Thursday, December 12, 2002
Wednesday, December 11, 2002
Tuesday, December 10, 2002
Monday, December 09, 2002
Sunday, December 08, 2002
Saturday, December 07, 2002
Friday, December 06, 2002
Yesterday I went out and put in some applications so I can have a job until I get hired with Crystal. Cool huh, I can't wait. I really like it here, A lot! Crystal & I have matching Key chains w/ a "special key" on each one. It's out thing. :) well I'm gonna go now. Later!
Thursday, December 05, 2002
First I was at school (high school) and Mike was there and I kept talking to him and it was like we had just gotten in a fight because I was still really mad at him and he was kind of mad at me. Then school got out and I drove this huge white truck somewhere, And next thing I know I was with the Cadets I saw Katie , Sophie & Alex. And we were doing some kind of Practical thing so we had gloves on and we were waiting for calls on car accidents. I kept taking my gloves off and having to put new ones on when we got calls. Then after that I was at some kind of party, and Casey & I were the first ones there so I had a drink already and I was sitting on the couch and they gave me another one then there were like 15 people there sitting on the couches and I was getting cups to have slushies and everytime I put my cup down I had to grab another one because my cups kept dissappearing. So I kept going to the cubboard ( I dunno how to spell that) and grabbing new cups.
I woke up kind of sad. I don't know why. I think it was a really weird dream, especially the fact that I kept changing my gloves and getting new cups. I didn't even have a reason to change the gloves I was just standing there I hadn't touched anyone yet. I dunno it was weird.
Wednesday, December 04, 2002
Oh, yeah...I feel really good today, it was snowing in New Mexico last night, and I threw a snow ball at a Budweiser (this should make the parents feel good, I had to look up how to spell "Budweiser") sign and then I threw one at some chick! . :) We had a few tiny flakes this morning. :-p I feel really good right now. Gonna take a shower, I'll feel even better! Yay! I love my Life!
Know what else, I am listening to Metallica right now (on Crystal's computer) and I listened to "Nothing Else Matters" and it didn't bother me at all. :) ~for those of you that don't know, it was Mike & My song...for three years, I remember for our two year anniversary he was out of town and I heard "our song" and it made me cry like all day long.~ I'm glad it didn't bother me because it's a freakin awesome song. I had songs with almost all of my ex's... Stephen "I Cross my Heart"(George Strait), Paul "Life's a Dance"(John Michael Montgomery), and Michael "Nothing Else Matters"(Metallica)...I've only had four boyfriends and my first one & I didn't have a song...I dunno if he really counts. It was like 8th grade! hahahah! Taylor Davis, I remember still...
Anyways I'm gonna go take my shower now! Bye.
Monday, December 02, 2002
On a better note! Last night was awesome! I went over to Casey's house and Him, His brother (Brandon) His roommate (Justin ~hottie~ hehehe) and I played "Twisted Metal: Black" until 1am! I got my ass beat (I think the most kills I got in one "derby" was two, hahaha), it was the thumbnails I swear! They were just to damn long, I couldn't push the buttons right. :) It's okay, when we were done I trimmed my nails a little bit shorter. (Don't worry 7! they are still there) But now I can push the buttons right! Yay! I can't wait to come home and play, what about you 7? I'm gonna bring my guitar, and my PS2, hmmm what else am I bringing? I dunno...We'll have to wait and see, seeing as how I haven't packed yet. My dad still hasn't called me. He's at work right now, I could call him...But I really wish he would call me...So I knew he was taking the time out of his day to think about me. I wonder if he does a lot.
Wow! I'm sure I am not the only one that noticed...I have a lot of issues over guys. Wow I just had really bad De Ja Vu! Insane! I know what's gonna happen...I'm calling Crystal...I'm gonna make a bet with her.Okay it's done. weird. Okay....I love today. It's awesome so far! Me so happy.
I'm a Jello Shot!, discover your ALcoHoLiC personality!
I''m 41.5% X-rated. How X-Rated are you?
Sunday, December 01, 2002
Friday, November 29, 2002
Thursday, November 28, 2002
Wednesday, November 27, 2002
I don't even think people read this site anymore... I'm pretty sure Lani & Crystal read it on a regular basis...but no one ever comments on it. Not even when I ask questions. That's the only thing I care about, if I ask questions... I want people to answer. :( Anyways. My life is absolutely CRAZY right now! hahaha. I can't wait to get back to Colorado.
Lani, when are you gonna come visit me...I am trying to talk mom to coming up with you for Christmas break...but grandma comes in on December 24th... Totally messing up Mine & Crystals "Christmas Idea" who knows maybe there is a way to talk mom into all 3 of you coming, mom can stay in a hotel w/ grandma! we can go snowboarding!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want a white Christmas Damn it!!!! I want to have the Party w/ Crystal & make snowflakes w/ everyones name on it.... UUAHHHAGGGGG!!! (that was a funny scream! hahahah)
I really want to spend Christmas & New Years in new home.... But I would feel like a complete ass if I didn't see grandma when she came down. I mean I am her oldest grandchild. But uggghghhghhghgh! F&^% Man! this sucks... Help me out here... I'm tired of not being on my own, look! I can't even make my own plans, something always changes it... Family, I love my family but GEEEZZZZ I just want to get away from them for a while. (a long while, then only see them for special occasions... hmph! like holidays... damn... I haven't been away long enough for this one yet.)
By the way, I need to have a talk with my dad. I already had one with my mom. I kinda just want to say somethings to him that I never said, and who knows...maybe I'll actually have the courage to say what is really on my mind. what I really think. I'm tired of holding it in, I've been doing that for way to long. And he need to know before it hurts him in the long run. I wonder what he'd say.
Tuesday, November 26, 2002
Monday, November 25, 2002
Sunday, November 24, 2002
Saturday, November 23, 2002
Friday, November 22, 2002
~Pat made the dogs fall all over me, and Keiki kept whacking me in the head with her tail. Punk!
Thursday, November 21, 2002
Jonya Ululani Repucci
He never told me it would last forever,
I guess I just assumed it would go there.
The end of three years took just an instant,
I shiver and remember with tears.
I never dreamed life could change so fast into “What might have been?”
From dreams of tomorrow and the rest of our future,
To thoughts of yesterday and of MY past.
I feel so lonely as I stand right here.
My throat gets tight, fingers around it, memories rush back.
It’s not real this time, but still I fill with fear.
I always thought I could defend myself, always thought I was so tough and so strong.
But now grabbing at his hands I feel myself break.
I haven’t felt this low in so long.
My memory fades back to my past it’s my dad this time,
His hand around my wrist, I just wanted to run away.
A fight over scissors that ended with the snap of a belt,
Again I am broken… Back to thoughts of yesterdays…
I reach up to my face; I swear I can still feel that scab.
Back in the driveway, how did I end up on the ground?
My knees and my hands are scraped up my throat still hurts…
But that’s not what hurts most
I feel like he took my heart along with my breath in that one moment.
I told myself “Walk away. Walk away and never look back.”
But it’s hard to not look back, I wonder if he could change.
I wonder if it would be the same fear or if I’d live in fear.
I look deep down I know the truth inside.
This time just makes it easier for next time,
And next time I might not be so lucky to walk away,
With a scab on my face and a scar on my heart…
So I will walk away, but I still look back.
"I started with nothing, and I still have most of it"
It went something like that. here is my own.... "life is weird like that sometimes, but hey you gotta live it. So why not LIVE it."
ps. I have my own picture style ~You can't steal it all cliffy! I thought of it first...but I'll let you use it, 'Cuz I'm nice.~
Wednesday, November 20, 2002
"Live today to the fullest, because tomorrow is not promised."
Tuesday, November 19, 2002
I sent Mike (Taylor ~ "the ex") a text message asking why he didn't call me back about his phone. (this is where it all began) he replys saying he didn't know he was supposed to call me back about it. So I call him to talk to him about it. He says he's gonna keep it for a little while longer until he can afford the one he wants, and somewhere in the midst of telling me that he says somehting about revving it to hard. So I ask him "what?" he says he revved the car to hard. "what car? do you drive now?" no, it's Mellissa's car. "oh, should I let you go?" no, she's at work... "Oh, who's Mellissa?" my girlfriend.
~this is where it all went wrong for me... How can he have a girlfriend already. That's just not right. I wonder if she's better for him than I was.
"how long have you guys been going out?" Since November 4th... "Oh, do you go to school with her?" No she works at the Depot. "oh, it is that girl that always would smile at you when we went in?" No, which one was that?
~what do you mean which one was that? know they were looking, don't play dumb, there were like three of them
"Well what's she look like?" ~stupid question, i really don't wanna know. Why did I ask? She's like 5'5" brown hair to her shoulders. "oh, okay... So about the phone, when do you think you'll have the money to get your own?" Not this paycheck, Mellissa's CD bearings went out and I'm gonna help pay for them to be replaced. "Oh, okay" ~I just wanted to scream at him! he never bought me anything like that. Helped my mom buy me new tires once after we had been dating for a year and a half, and he bitched about that! Fuck! I hate him so much! We went out for three years and I have nothing to show for it, except a wall that I've put up to keep people out!!!!! That Prick! I hate him so much...I never want to talk to another guy again! Right now I feel like they are all like him, or like they will all be like him. I gave him so much and I have nothing to show for it. I put so much into that relationship and how did he thank me??? He didn't he scuffed me up and now all I am is DAMAGED... ruined, no one wants what I am now... How could they? But still I keep torturing myself... Wonder what it would be like if he was still mine. If I was still his. I want to scream and cry and throw a tantrum he's not worth my tears, why am I giving them to him? Why does this hurt so much, why can't I stop it? I bet he loved it, I know he could hear the jealousy in my voice talking about her. I know he liked it, a thousand miles away and still he had the power to hurt me. To rip my heart out again. go ahead, stomp on it, I know you like it! You always did, always liked to know you were the one that had me in your grasp, always liked to know exactly what hurt the most... you loved to see me break, loved to see me weaker than you...Because I knew what I wanted with my life, I knew where I was going. And you didn't, you liked to see me weaker didn't you I wonder though, is that how it really was? I wonder if I am just bitter from all the times you made me give in first... you did know what hurt the most...I could never come close to it on you.
"Are you sleeping with her?" Not yet, why? "Just curious"
~Why do I tourture Myself like this?....This is how I know I'm not ready for another relationship yet...
Oh yeah... I did only get two calls/reply's. Mom called me yesterday right after I sent it out. And Lani called me Last night.
Monday, November 18, 2002
Sunday, November 17, 2002
Saturday, November 16, 2002
Then we go to the union; by the time we get there it's 3:45pm! Where did the time go? It’s ‘cause we pit stopped at the 16th street mall. Hehehe. So I filled out my papers.
After that we went to Cherry Creek so I could show her the bathrooms. We got side tracked by a Godiva store! I have never been in one. The only reason we went in is to get free samples (free samples rock) and ended up spending like $11. Then we go out and sit in the "Grandma, wait here we'll come get you when were done" section and eat the fatty food we bought (chocolate! yummy, but too much makes me sick) And guess what store was right behind us... Build A Bear Workshop! She hasn't seen it before so I showed it to her. Now she wants a bear...(Hey Christmas is coming up, you know who you are) I've wanted one ever since I saw the store in Phoenix. We'll we made it to the bathrooms; I think it was one of the first things we did when we got there. The Chocolate store was after the bathrooms.
To make a long day short, we planned a picnic for Sunday. We got our nails done, hung out with Mike, "visited" a friend, drove around in Denver, and took lots of pictures. :) It was a fun day! Hehehe. Bye!
P.S. We never made it to see Harry Potter, by the time we would have gone all the little kids were out of school, and all of the shows would have been sold out. Oh well, some other time. :)
P.S.S~ Ming Na- she's the ER chick, I half wanted to say that the other night, but I wasn't sure. She is Mulan! And she is also in the "Joy Luck Club"...but I was wrong about Crouching Tiger...that's not her! :( hmmmm, what about James Woods??? ***Yahoo Search*** AhhhhHA! I remember now, he was in Riding In cars With Boys! I knew I had heard his voice recently! I feel so complete now.... ***sighs***
Friday, November 15, 2002
Last night was cool. Even though I've been feeling pretty shitty (sick) we went and watched Final Fantasy at Joe's house. It was pretty good. I spent the entire movie trying to figure out who did the peoples voices. A few of them I got. But the chick took us (Joe & me) the whole movie to figure out. First I wanted to say the chick from Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon. But that movie is subtitled. But I was almost sure of it; she was in a James Bond movie also. Then the movie is almost over and I'm like "Mulan! It's Mulan! Who ever did MULAN's voice!" so we wait for the credits and it turns out to be Ming-Na. Who I'm pretty sure did Mulan's Voice and is the chick from Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (right) Well I'm still trying to figure out who James Woods is. He does the voice for the Mean General. And I can almost see his face in my mind...but I can't. Oh well, :( I'll look on-line later to check and see if I'm right.
I am going do the Colorado DMV now to get a Colorado Drivers License, then to Crystals Union to put my Application in. TO Cherry Creek Mall ~to show Crystal the bathrooms there, it's fuckin' Tight, I want bathrooms like those in my house~ Then to Go see.... HARRY POTTER! Hehehe YAY. We want to go while all the little kids are in school, little punks. Hehehe. Okay bye.
Thursday, November 14, 2002
Wednesday, November 13, 2002
Tuesday, November 12, 2002
I am a staple in almost everyone's diet. Friends like me are a complement to any other friends I get on with almost everyone, remaining mostly in the background, but providing substance when it would otherwise be lacking. What Flavour Are You? |
I better be wheat, or honey nut ***yeah with raisins***... I don't like white bread.
I believe I am perfect. Others may not think so, but those others are wrong. What Sort of Hat Are You? |
Hmmm I could comment on that but then I would sound cocky or like a bitch. What the hell I'll say it anyways. I am perfect, for me at least. :)
Thoughts of Yesterdays
Jonya Ululani Repucci
He never told me it would last forever,
I guess I just assumed it would go there.
The end of three years took just an Instant,
I shiver and remember with tears.
I never dreamed life could change so fast into “What might have been?”
From dreams of tomorrow and the rest of our future,
To thoughts of yesterday and of My past.
I feel so lonely as I stand right here.
My throat gets tight, fingers around it, memories rush back.
It’s not real this time, but still I fill with fear.
I always though I could defend myself, always thought I was so tough and so strong.
But now grabbing at his hands I feel myself break.
I haven’t felt this low in so long.
My memory fades back to my past it’s my dad this time,
His hand around my wrist, I just wanted to run away.
A fight over scissors that ended with the snap of a belt,
Again I am broken… Back to thought’s of yesterdays…
I reach up to my face; I swear I can still feel that scab.
Back in the driveway, how did I end up on the ground?
My knees and my hands are scraped up my throat still hurts…
But that’s not what hurts most
I feel like he took my heart along with my breath in that one moment.
I told myself “walk away. Walk away and never look back.”
But it’s hard to not look back, I wonder if he could change.
I wonder if it would be the same fear or if I’d live in fear.
I look deep down I know the truth inside.
This time just makes it easier for next time,
And next time I might not be so lucky to walk away,
With a scab on my face and a scar on my heart…
So I will walk away, but I still look back.
I like to jump around, and would lead a fairly serene and aimless existence if it weren't for my friends always getting into trouble. I love to help out, even when it puts me at risk. I seem to make friends with people who just can't stay out of trouble. What Video Game Character Are You? |
Yeah! Mario was always my Favorite!!! I hated being Luigi... :)
I am so retarded...not really (I am AVERAGE!) but I like these little quizzes. I know Crystal does too.
Yup... average! It's not bad, really, you'll survive life, and your personality doesn't have to stay average. Just don't be upset if you aren't winning every trivial pursuit game, if you know what I mean.
To all of those ppl who ever called me an IDIOT ... hahaha in your face...
I left Mike's house (around 12:15) and tried to call Crystals Brother, Mark, and my phone won't let me call out, but I can receive calls. You know what that means. The Bill. So I call mom when I get back to Crystals house (after I was lost for half an hour) and she said she paid the bill. I think I am going to get on their web page & see what's up.
Well I went to the page. As far as I can tell it’s not my phone running up the bill. It must be my ex’s (Both phones are under the same account) so I tried to call him and see if he has given my mom any money for his phone lately…No Answer. Damn it! I hate having to be the “bill collector” I think When I talk to him I am going to ask if he is ready to get his phone under his own name now. I don’t want to have to deal with him for this stuff. Sounds like a good idea to me.
Well I am going to call my mom again later. I was supposed to go down to the union today but I only have $29 in my account and I need $35 to pay the fee, but if I go today I will over draw my account and I can’t do that. (It’s an $18 fee) I might have to wait until Friday. Which freaking sucks because Crystal’s job is hiring now and the later I put in the lower on the list I get.
Monday, November 11, 2002
I've been watching cartoons all morning. Aren't you surprised I am even up in the morning? I am on "vacation" I'm supposed to sleep until noon. But know what, it doesn't bother me that I've gotten up early. I really need to go do laundry today. I've been wearing these socks for two days (yuck) and they aren't even my socks.... I had to borrow them from Crystal! ***SORRY DUDE!!!*** Yeah, I need to go wash clothes. Well I'm gonna go now. Bye :)
Sunday, November 10, 2002
So today was pretty cool, I watched a ton of Cartoons this morning. I don’t really remember what they were about or which ones were on. Hmmm, Alex is SOOOOO adorable (he is Mike’s [<- :)] little boy…2 years old) He was so shy this morning, but then he started not being shy anymore. At first he didn’t want to sit next to me on the couch but after a little while he came and sat next to me on the couch and crawled up and gave me a kiss. It was so cute! Then a few hours later I was playing with him and he jumped up and landed on my nose! Ouch! But I was okay (he kissed my forehead to make it better ***awwwww, how cute:)***) then I had a nosebleed for a whole 2 seconds. The last time I had a nosebleed was the third day of wrestling season my junior year in high school.
Saturday, November 09, 2002
Speaking of Moves... I've been thinking about moving to Tucson for a semester, I really like the idea of it. Tucson is really a lot better than I used to think it was. I dunno give me some feed back here. I would be coming for spring 2003. I wonder if Pima Community College has a swim team??? Anyone care to do some reasearch? We'll I'm off. Have a GREAT day & Night!
Fuck it, Have a great week...can you tell I'm loving it here?
Friday, November 08, 2002
Thursday, November 07, 2002
Tuesday, November 05, 2002
Not much else happening in my life. Casey is cool. My ex called me the other day (while I was at Casey’s house) and told me that since he was 17 (he’s 22 now) he’s loved me and that I am like a “permanent fucking scar” in his mind and that he wants me to go away. He wants me to disappear. He doesn’t ever want to talk to me again…not because he hates me but because he loves me that much, and all I am ever gonna do is hurt him… Let me fill you in. Stephen & I went out for a year and a half, we broke up about three months before I turned 16, I haven’t been his girlfriend since then, I am 19 and a half now. I feel really bad for the guy. I think his biggest problem was that he doesn’t have any confidence in him self. If he did he would be so much better off from where he is now. He is doing well though, but he just doesn’t have any confidence in himself. He really needs that. He is a pretty good-looking guy, and he’s sweet, but no one’s gonna dig him unless he boosts his self esteem. I still love him, but it’s not the kind of love that people who are dating have. I love him like he is family. You don’t just go out with someone for a year and a half and lose that, it’s there it always will be…just not the way he wants it.
Like I was saying Casey is cool. I think I’ve known him for like 3 weeks. I’m not quite sure. Oh I met him on the 18th (of October) I think…hahah. It was funny, once I took a shower over there (not with him…perverts!) And later that week he said I could take a shower over there anytime I wanted. Well I joked back with him that I didn’t want to because he didn’t have conditioner…well two days later he shows me all this stuff he bought, and the last thing he pulls out of the bag he goes “oh and this” and It was a bottle of conditioner. Awww! How cute! Cheezy grin!
Monday, November 04, 2002
Scenario 1, With Dad’s family for Thanksgiving: Go over to dads sometime around noon. Supposed to meet April’s (step-mom’s) Family around one or two. Sit around the house and wait for and hour and a half before family at his house is even remotely looking like they are ready. They look like they are ready. Oh, nope I was wrong. Briana still has to brush her hair…(don’t get me wrong I love them all) so it’s 2:00pm now. Everyone is ready and has their shoes on and ready to go. So I head out to my car to follow them over there. I am sitting in the car waiting; it’s 2:10 now. Finally their car starts up and everyone is sitting in the van. They are ready! Oh wait no. Forgot the camera in the house. Okay it’s 2:15pm now. They found the camera and are backing out. We drive over to wherever we are going. We walk in. Dad is pissy because I didn’t ride with them. Caralynne is cranky because she didn’t get her nap today. Briana and April are fighting over something stupid like she is wearing the wrong shoes because she didn’t have enough time to find the other ones and April made her rush out of the house so she couldn’t grab them. Well we walk in the house and find out that everyone else got there at 1:30 and we are 45minutes late. WELCOME TO MY FAMILY! Lani knows what I am talking about.
Scenario 2, With Mom’s family for Thanksgiving: So we are supposed to be there at 4:00pm. It’s 4:00pm now and mom is finally ready. Richard has been ready and there is just the three of us. I can’t drive behind them if they are going out to Chandler, that’s just too far, but it might be worth it to be able to leave early (not like I have anywhere else to go) We are having thanksgiving with Richard’s (my step-dad’s) Family. And we are already late. Mom is always late, and lately she’s been a real bitch too. SO she is probably already nagging at either Richard, or me, Or Hey! Maybe even both of us! So today is already a bad day. We are late (embarrassing enough.) and she is bitching. So we get there sit on the couch for an hour and a half eat watch the football game (highlight of my day so far) sit on the couch some more. My annoying step cousin bothers me about what happened to my ankle. SO I tell him for the fourth time, Surgery. Then my stepbrother starts in on how he has all this cool shit going on. His girlfriend is the only one close to my age that isn’t totally retarded. I can have a decent conversation with her for a few minutes. I look at my phone it’s 7:30pm now…when can we go home? I wish some one would call me so I would have a reason to leave! Finally I get up and tell everyone “good bye, and how fun today was, thank you for having me. Yeah hugs for everyone have a safe drive home. Okay yeah mom I’ll call you later. No mom I don’t know what I am doing. All right mom! Bye!” Ugghhh, now she’s pissed me off with twenty questions, I am an Adult now and she treats me like a child! I hate it. I wish I had lots of money to move far away from her and still pay for my Jeep. WELCOME TO MY OTHER FAMILY! Once again Lani understands. Don’t you Lani. :)
PS: Lani is not included in either of the scenarios for 2 reasons:
One: She lives in Tucson.
And Two: She smart enough to stay there for Thanksgiving (she knows how our family is)
Sunday, November 03, 2002
Hmmm, what else is going on in my life? Let’s see. I met a guy. His name is Casey and he's freakin awesome. I really like him. And I think he likes me. But he doesn't know what he wants... don't really know any guys that do. So I guess it's good that I am going to Colorado, then we'll have time apart because I think I like him too much for what he wants. But then again I dunno what he wants. He acts like he likes me a lot. Ugghhhhh! I don't freakin know!
Saturday, November 02, 2002
Thursday, October 31, 2002
Wednesday, October 30, 2002
Today is The 30th, In two days I get to see one of my best friends. Yay! I can't wait. It's gonna be great ( wotw #1) we are gonna have so much fun, I haven't seen Crystal in over a year. Same for Christina (who is going wiht me to get Crystal from the airport) man the three of us were close, come on! we were @5.7.9@ ~if you don't know the story call me and I'll tell you~I can't wait to see them again. It's been so long. I'm going to feel like I'm in High School again. Well I am gonna go see what my neighbor is up to. I wish I was in Tucson.
:( Sorry I couldn't make it Lani...I really wanted to. Well Friday is gonna be hella cool (wotw #2) no Work, I'm gonna see Lani and Crystal and Stina!!!
Tomorrow is Halloween, I am still trying to figure out how exactly I want my costume to look. I have a big part of it...But I don't know what else I can do. I'm tired, maybe I'll just take a nap instead of visiting my neighbor...Choices...Why is everything choices? A
Monday, October 28, 2002
Sunday, October 27, 2002
I'll write later...hopefully.
***I feel like playing the guitar right now...If only I knew how to play...Note to self: go home & tune guitar...try to play a few chords.
Saturday, October 26, 2002
I talked to Katie tonight, she had her first code tonight at the station. Motorcycle Vs. Wall. I can't imagine seeing that. I just haven't been there yet, I know it sounds bad but, I'll have my chance one day.
And here is another weird thing, I wanna see Casey. I hope he wants to see me too, but I won't know until next time I talk to him probably won't be 'til Monday or later. Hopefully Monday.
I thought I had this 'thing' for this guy Ryan. I still kinda do, but it seems to me that he doesn't have a 'thing' for me anymore. I guess that is what I get for liking a guy that lives in Tucson when I live in Phoenix. So I'll just drop it. Anyways it's a long story. Kinda, not really. I just don't wanna write it down. What can I say it's 2 o'clock AM, and I'm lazy.
Friday, October 25, 2002
Can you tell that I am bored? And guess what else... I am hungry. What can I get for $4.00 that is filling? I am in Tucson so I dunno what is cheap and filling around here. I am going to sit here and think about where I can get some good food.
Hmmmm... Today would have been my 3 year anniversary with my ex, it's kind of weird. It's weird that I don't have a problem with not being with him. I mean I would think that today would be the hardest day, and that I would miss him most today. But it's not. Today is actually good, and I didn't even realize what day it was until I was on the phone with Crystal and she said the date. It's okay though. Today is a good day, and I have my Jeep back (he's my baby - 'Shadowfax'). Bye.
Thursday, October 24, 2002
Hmmmm...I'll just keep trying. (even though ***according to other people*** I shouldn't have to.)
GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why are guy's so fucking retarded??? Nah...they aren't retarded, they are just weird. I wish I could understand them. Why do they have to be so complicated? I mean they think chicks are complicated...but really, it's them! I guess it's different from their point of view. They think we are complicated we think they are complicated. But on our side of the story we can understand each other and on their side they can understand each other. But we can't understand them and they can't understand us. Is that confusing or what? I don't really even have a reason for calling guys "fucking retarded", I just felt like it.
I was really tired yesterday. I love my life though, I really do. And I love my sister, Lani, I am so happy that she is doing good. I went with her to an appointment today, and sitting there I realized that she is different than she used to be. I know things are hard for her. Life in general is...Hard. But she is doing good, and she is happy. That is all that matters. I love my sister and I love seeing her happy. It’s a good feeling. I remember when days weren’t so good, but now you learn to cope with changes and even if the way “things re-arrange” isn’t what you want now, maybe...just maybe it will be what you want later.
On a lighter note. I love Hazy Dayz. I didn’t sit “bitch” on the little couch last night so I couldn’t stare at the picture I always stare at. So it was different for me. Different can be good though. ***I just looked at the TWIX wrapper and it says “may contain peanuts” hahaha. I should give it to Chris. JK*** We carved pumpkins last night after the poetry reading. We were out on the patio sitting on the couch and bench thing. My pumpkins’ (Well, he’s not just my pumpkin...Ryan helped me carve him, so it’s his too :-p) name is “Billy Bob” I fucked his teeth up, so that is how he got his name.
I got ice cream with Ryan after Hazy Dayz and Pumpkin carving. We decide that since everyone was going to ditch us, ice cream sounded good. I have never seen anyone eat a whole thing of Ben & Jerry’s in one sitting. I can’t even eat ½ ! Anyways I’ll write later...Maybe.
Lesson of the day: Learn from the past, it will help the future.”
Wednesday, October 23, 2002
I am so Bad. not really but I am at work and I was checking my e-mail. That's why I said I was bad. So today is gonna rock...later! Right now it sucks, My ex has been pissing me off, someone is spreading a nasty rumor about me. And I wanna know who it is. He (my ex) was asking why I was so pissed off and I said " We'll wouldn't you be?" and know what he says... "Not if I truly did it." what a Bitch! Anyways I told him to leave me alone.
Work is pretty good though. It actually goes pretty fast, I work 8 to 5 and I am already at 12:30 wow! I haven't even taken my lunch break yet. That's when it goes really fast, after lunch. Because it's only gonna be like 3 more hours to work after lunch. Then Tucson here I come! Yeah!
I am so Excited. I get to go to Tucson today. and I get to go To HAZY DAYZ tonight! WooHoo! I'm gonna move to Tucson just for Hazy Dayz. JK. But I do like it a lot. Well I am gonna try to get back to work (thinking about Tucson got me so Excited, I might not be able to concentrate now.)
Lesson of the Day: "Don't always believe what you hear"
Tuesday, October 22, 2002
Well I gotta go to my dad's right now to get my stuff I'm gonna sleep at my mom's tonight. bye!
Lesson of the day: "Prepare for the worst and if the outcome is good then know you were atleast prepared."
Sunday, October 20, 2002
Saturday, October 19, 2002
I don't feel like writing much so this won't be too long.
Plans changed last night and we didn't go to Fear Farm (it was cheap though, only $5/person) We ended up goingto Applebee's instead. It was Sophie, Katie, Alex, Casey his friend Amy (I've never met Casey or Amy), and me. So, that was pretty cool we went and played pool for a little while afterwards. I wouldn't have minded staying at The Break for a little longer though.
Well the night is still young! Who knows, maybe I'll get something to do. (trying to be optimistic :-} )
Friday, October 18, 2002
If anyone special is reading this: good! you should be reading it! because if you are special to me I better be special to you.
I am totally bummed at the thought of missing Hazy Dayz next Wednesday. I am 1/2 tempted to move to tucson just for that. :) Well, I am gonna come up Thursday night. Family weekend starts the 25th so I talked my mom into buying my greyhound ticket up for Thursday night, since I don't work on Fridays. ~Yeah! I get to see Lani (and hopefully other people too) for a whole Weekend.~
Okay I gotta go run errands before Katie gets here. I got 1/2 an hour! Bye...
Crystal got her tounge peirced last night! HAhahaha! I can't wait to see her. :)
Thursday, October 17, 2002
Well I had been saying how it is awesome it feels when a guy puts you before himself.
I was saying how last night I felt so good to be asked what I want. And when I ask the same question back, to hear the reply "I've got what I want." and when I asked "Oh? And what is that?" to hear the reply "This Moment. With you." I am just happy right now.
You know who you are...Thankyou. :)
Anyways the sun was starting to set on my way home from work today. It was so beautiful. Everyone thinks clouds are so gloomy, but they aren't, not always. It was like they were everwhere around the sun but not touching it. It was so cool. I love clouds, I wish it would rain. And I wanna go camping so freakin' bad. But Katie says we are supposed to go in Nov. Some time. Fuck Yeah (wotw)!
Lesson of the day: Life is full surprises. :)
Fuck Yeah! (wotw) Crystal is getting her tounge pierced right now! (I am such a bad influence...but hey, if it get's her to stop smoking)
P.S. I have a busy weekend (kindof - ha! not really.) so If I don't write you guys can e-mail me ( or call me (602.373.7024) <- Yeah, Do that! (you can never get enough calls)
Friday: I'll write I don't work on Friday's...Evening- Fear Farm?
Saturday: Morning- Work with Glendale for thier Interview process...Evening- ?
Sunday: Church. Then I dunno.
(now that I look it doesn't seem like that much. hmmm. I'm just tired. Long night last night. :) )
Tuesday, October 15, 2002
Finally! Okay. All right so I'll admit it. I was wrong. my sister brought to my attention that not all of her friends are hot. (True) and not all of them have "crushes" on her. (also true) so there I am done. I was wrong and I admit it. The difference between guys and girls...we can admit being wrong without killing our pride.
So Tucson was a blast, and so was Hazy Dayz. I actually had talked to one of Lani's friends, at Hazy Dayz, about fire fighting. He was really cool about it, he said he had taken some classes at GCC when he was younger. First off the guy is cool because he took Fire fighter Classes. Second he's cool because he's kinda cute. I dunno what my type is, I guess it really depends on the guy. Well we talked for a while at Hazy Dayz, then he had to go. So I talk to my sister when I get back to the couch, and I'm like "Dude! Your friend is cute." I think he is my age. 19, I'm pretty sure that is how old he said he was.
So I am on-line today, and my little sis gets on. She says "guess who I saw today." Who? "Ryan, remember the guy from Hazy Dayz?" Oh yeah, I remember, the cute one! What did he say? "Well I told him 'my sister thinks you're cute. And he said 'Well she's pretty cute too." SWEET! "Yeah well He said that next time he goes to Phoenix I have to give him your number."
You guys don't know what this means! Besides the fact that I am wrong about having guys think I'm pretty, since the surgery. It means that a guy actually thought I was pretty. Now any guy reading this is like "whatever" but sometimes a guys opinion does matter. It just makes us Girls feel good. I like it when anyone tells me I look good. Even if I think I look good, I like to have people tell it to me.
Lesson of the day: You aren't always right, and when you are wrong it's okay to admit it.
After my Doctor's appointment I had a meeting for Glendale Fire Department. I am a cadet with them so we have meetings every so often. Well I thought it was a meeting turned out to be a class. It's cool though. I love getting to meet up with them anyway. Katie, Sophie, and I went to Pullano's after the class. Dan and Flick didn't wanna come. It's all good, it was kinda fun having "girls night out" pizza and wings (and Zucchini of course). Katie you are my Idol!
I'll write more later.
Monday, October 14, 2002
Sunday, October 13, 2002
Anyway, I remembered something else. How parents traumatize their kids. Every one says it. Parents traumatize thier kids." who believes it? Parents obviously don't think they have done it, because that would mean they have turned into thier parents. Shit, I know it'll happen if I have Kids. I know there is gonna be something that they will remember forever and be totally traumatized by it. And when they tell it to me I'm gonna be like "You know what I knew it was gonna happen, I just didn't know when or how." I don't think most parents even realize they things that they do.
Even as old as I am something's will stick with me forever. (story time)
Well I got in from Tucson last night around 6:20. My step dad came and got me from the Greyhound station. Life is good, right. So we head home to meet mom, and from there we are going to Aloha Kitchen. Car ride is good. So we get to where we are going to eat. Yummy! (Here's where things take a turn) So I order and head to the bathroom. When I get out, my step dad is pissy. So I find out why (hey I'm a nice person. What can I say?) So for the rest of the time my step dad is there he is Pissy 'cuz mom is being bitchy (by the way- he's pissy 'cuz she told him what he wanted…understandable) So mom is being mean now. After she makes him mad enough he goes out side and sits in the car. she's like "I hope we still have a ride home now." And I tell her "He's mad at you mom, not me.Are you on your peiod or something because you are being a real bitch." So now she's pissy at me because he isn’t mad at me he's mad at her, and I told it to her straight up (do people even use that term anymore? Straight up…) So anyway, (I'll skip to the Traumatic part) After she's been pissy with me for a while she kinda chuckles. So naturally I ask "what?" (Ha!) And she says "I remember this letter you wrote to your sister when you were little saying that she was going to ruin you chances of becoming a model. When really it's you that ruined your chances of becoming a model." how is that? " You like candy bars too much" Well mom, I haven't had a candy bar in a long time (thinking: Bitch F&^% You!) and she says "Well it's because you like to eat." So then I just stopped eating my food (thinking: F&^% You! How dare you say that! I am not fat and Just Because You want to be an F&^%ing Bitch Tonight, don't even take it out on me. Just because you went and lost weight and went from being a heifer to almost what you want to weigh! YOU Know What F&^% YOU! I am not You I am satisfied with wearing a size 11-12 I am 5 feet and 10 inches Tall I am NOT your Short Midget ASS! BITCH!) So I don't say any thing because I know if I open my mouth words aren't gonna be good. Meanwhile, My step dad had come back inside picked up his food and Moved away from our table. After that whole "letter" conversation was over and had been over for a few minutes. he has finished his food and gone back out to the car. Then mom says "I'm glad he left, I was about to flip him off and say 'F&^% You!" Then she asks me "Have you ever been mad enough to say that to someone?" and I reply "Have I ever said it to you?" she says "Well no." And I reply "Then No. I haven't been mad enough to say it to Them."
Lesson of the day: “For every minute you are angry, you lose 60 seconds of happiness.” (author unknown)
Carded For Cake
October 7th 2002, Lani and I were at Trader Joe's looking for some kind of salad dressing that Lani wanted (which we never found) and we passed by one of the "vendors" He was giving out samples of some kind of cake (which was way to thick for me anyways)so we walk by and we're like "hey free samples. Can we have some?"....(here's where it get's good...)
Vendor dude: "are you 16?"
Us: "oh, we have to be 16?"
Vendor Dude: "Well if you aren't 16 then your parents need to be with you."
Us: "oh! hahaha. You think we aren't over 16?"
Vendor Dude: "If you aren't at least 16 your parents ned to be with you just in case you have an allergic reaction."
Us: "Hahahah! "
Lani: "Dude this is my second year at teh UofA. Here look I'll show you some ID."
Me: "I'm her OLDER sister!"
Us: "hahaha."
Vendor Dude: "No, no, it's okay you don't have to show me you ID. *chuckles to self* here you go, have some cake."
Saturday, October 12, 2002
P.S. I met a guy from South Africa on the bus. he was visiting friends at the university. I call him "The Guy" or "The Guy from South Africa" because I didn't get his name. I wrote about him in a letter to Crystal. I was "people watching" he was the most interesting. He was writing to, I wonder if he wrote about me wondering if I was writing about him. I should have asked. hahaha! He wrote all the way from Tucson to Phoenix as did I. He offered to help me take my bags off the bus. Thank you "The Guy".
P.S.S. Hey 7! your letter is four pages long, but I wrote it on a bus so it's bumpy at parts, I'll mail it Monday. :)
Lesson of the day: One moment can make or break your day.
Friday, October 11, 2002
From a crossroads for settlers, American Indians, and French traders to a railroad hub, Chicago has served as a nexus in connecting east and west. Almost destroyed in the great fire of 1871, it survived to become a culturally diverse city with friendly residents.
What US city are you? Take the quiz by Girlwithagun.
So I did this quiz. Chicago. Weird. but since the city was almost destroyed in a fire. And I am going to be a Firefighter, I might as well put it on.
If quitters never win, and winners never quit, who came up with, "Quit while you're ahead"?
***but of course I can't jump up and down (stupid surgery)***
(dpotw) "It just slid right in!"
Thursday, October 10, 2002
Hmmm, that's a good question. I think you'll still feel wind, just not on your face. (Then again I never was good at the "if you drop a pencil from a height in a moving bus what would happen" question in my physics class. What is the answer to that one?
discover what candy you are @
I don't even like candy necklaces.
BLUE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!! My Favorite color is GREEN not Blue! Freakin (wotw) A**!!!
Wednesday, October 09, 2002
Your magical style is Psychic.
What type of Magic do you work?. Take the Magical Style Quiz by Paradox