Tuesday, August 14, 2007

I love my sister :-)

I love my sister :-)

Monday, August 13, 2007

I think he's gonna crush me. After that dream, I feel like I'll die all over again. Does anyone know what I went through after Michael? I had a dream like that once with him. Then years later it ended. I don't know how to do that again. I'm... LOST. I have this vision in my head of how things should turn out. would turn out. Then part of me says "this is how it worked out in the past" how am I supposed to know the difference. My 'programs' wanna harden myself and prepare... I just can't live that way though. How are you supposed to know what's right though?

Sunday, August 12, 2007

I had a dream last

I had a dream last night. One of those thats so good when you are in it, then you wake up and it wears off and you're crushed . I wanted to cry.