Friday, November 29, 2002

today is good so far, I woke up at 10:30 on my alarm or anything. And I didn't go to bed til like 2:30am...I'm adding more to this post. Lets see today was pretty cool, I didn't really do to much. I hung out with my little sis. I love you Lani. we went to the storage unit...I found my contacts, I've been looking for them for like a month already. I found a lot of stuff I wanted. My ankle feels good today too. it's only the 3rd day that I've been able to take the boot off & walk around. I was scared at first to go out with it off. It was all tight, but it felt really good today. :) I was so happy I got to see John a lot yesterday. John is like my little brother. I love him to death. I got go to the movie with him and just hang out. It was like "old times" hahaha. Any ways, I love you careful. :-p

Thursday, November 28, 2002

I went to the movies tonight...:)

Wednesday, November 27, 2002

I really wish I had someone here to talk to. Not in a bad way or anything, It just sucks being the only person here (at work). I should practice typing words like "just", "always", and "because". I always mess up the letters when I type them. It's 'cuz I always try to rush it. I try to rush typing everything.
I don't even think people read this site anymore... I'm pretty sure Lani & Crystal read it on a regular basis...but no one ever comments on it. Not even when I ask questions. That's the only thing I care about, if I ask questions... I want people to answer. :( Anyways. My life is absolutely CRAZY right now! hahaha. I can't wait to get back to Colorado.
Lani, when are you gonna come visit me...I am trying to talk mom to coming up with you for Christmas break...but grandma comes in on December 24th... Totally messing up Mine & Crystals "Christmas Idea" who knows maybe there is a way to talk mom into all 3 of you coming, mom can stay in a hotel w/ grandma! we can go snowboarding!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want a white Christmas Damn it!!!! I want to have the Party w/ Crystal & make snowflakes w/ everyones name on it.... UUAHHHAGGGGG!!! (that was a funny scream! hahahah)
I really want to spend Christmas & New Years in new home.... But I would feel like a complete ass if I didn't see grandma when she came down. I mean I am her oldest grandchild. But uggghghhghhghgh! F&^% Man! this sucks... Help me out here... I'm tired of not being on my own, look! I can't even make my own plans, something always changes it... Family, I love my family but GEEEZZZZ I just want to get away from them for a while. (a long while, then only see them for special occasions... hmph! like holidays... damn... I haven't been away long enough for this one yet.)
By the way, I need to have a talk with my dad. I already had one with my mom. I kinda just want to say somethings to him that I never said, and who knows...maybe I'll actually have the courage to say what is really on my mind. what I really think. I'm tired of holding it in, I've been doing that for way to long. And he need to know before it hurts him in the long run. I wonder what he'd say.

Tuesday, November 26, 2002

Once again I am very tired. :( I really should work on getting more sleep. But, I did have fun not getting enough sleep...I watched a movie...wanna know, wanna know? huh? huh? huh? Star Wars Episode II! Yay! It was the first time I had seen it. Very good. I don't even remember when it came out though, some time in the last year, right? Well Life is pretty good, it is gonna be Crazy when It gets closer to time to leave for Colorado again. But I can't wait, I miss it already. I still haven't seen Marie, John, or My dad. I tried calling my Dad but he never called me back, he knows I'm moving, I don't understand why he doesn't even try. Kinda Fucked up if you ask me. But then again I shouldn't be surprised, he didn't show up for my last swim meet...Yeah, I STILL have issues over that, I should jsut get over it. But I can't :(...I am way to used to being dissapointed by guys. This better not last for the rest of my life.

Monday, November 25, 2002

YYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY! I had a doctors appointment this morning, and I get to start working the boot off! WooHoo!!! Within a week I sould be wearing shoes! Both of them! yaaaayyyy!!!!!! I want a pair of Globes so bad! I loved my Globes, they were so Comfortable and they looked good on me!

Sunday, November 24, 2002

I truly wonder how many Mike's I am going to meet this Month.... I'm a Mike-Magnet... Here's how this one e\went. I got on the Greyhound leaving Denver at 6:15pm. I had to change busses at 3:20am. Wel the first bus had a lot of empty seats, this one... I had to share a seat, I dreaded the thought of having to sit next to a stranger for twelve hours. that is a long time, so when I got on the bus I picked out a seat next to a guy I had overheard say that he'd just finished paramedic school, I figure that way we at least have something in common. We talked a little bit, then he fell asleep. No fair! I was so tired and I couldn't fall asleep. Well around 7am realize I don't even know the dudes name. Well I pick out three names that look like they would fit him: Adam, Mike, and Bryan (just for shits and giggles). Well I finally started noding off. I think on my whole 20 hour trip I slept for two hours. I am so exausted right now! the bus made a couple of stops for a few minutes at each place. I think finaly around 11:30 he was totally awake. well we were talking about our return trips, since we were both going round trip, him from Albequerqe to San Diego and back, and me from Denver to Phoenix and back. Then I was telling him abnout how many Mike's I had met in the last two weeks and he says "well now you know one more Mike, my name is Mike." I was like "what?!?" heheheh...funny huh? I am a Mike magnet. He was nice though he let me fall asleep on his shoulder and we laughed at the crazy guy in th back together. By the way he ws in Paramedic School for the Air Force... He does Para-Rescue. Cool huh. He goes back to Albequerque on Saturday I don't go back to Denver until Tuesday December 3rd. :( it was cool talking to him though. I miss colorado, I wanna go back already...Phoenix doesn't even feel like home any more, it's so weird. But my trip down was Amazingly long! but it was okay. I am so tired...did I say that yet?