Friday, March 07, 2003

Word of the Week: Hyper

AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!! Yay! Yay! Yay!
Today was SO AWESOME! (Today being March 6th, not the 7th) Well Jacqui & Brandon were at my house, we went out to breakfast with my parents, then Jacqui, Brandon and I went and got Jen's B-Day gift(s) hehehe. And we went and saw "Cradle 2 the Grave" with Jet Li and DMX. It was fucking great! Lot's of action, it had everything: Robbery, Fighting, Dead people, Evading Cops, Fighting, Being a Dad, Talking to Other bad guys (Tom Arnold) and Fighting, Police Chases (on a Quad)! Fighting. Guns, explosives, Being a dad again, Fighting, Bad guys go Good...the end! Great, it was lots of fun! Then I went to class, and there is this really great (seeming) guy in my class (who's name I won't disclose) that I wanted to talk to...I got there and I was thinking "I'm gonna sit by him"...He wasn't there! NO! So I sit...he came in late. And he sat near me! (Yay!) So of course we talk during breaks. He asked if I had a busy know little 'chit-chat' anyways, 4 hours later class is over...and I'm thinking to my self "go talk to him, ask if he's single" but at the same time I'm like "no, no. I can't....I'm too chicken." So I walk out of the building a few steps in front of him, then we're talking and he says "hey, do you wanna go get a coffee?" (AHHHHHHH!!! Hehehe) enough said... we sat and talked for like 2 hours (oh and he paid!)...Now, he doesn't SEEM like a great guy, he IS a great guy...Anyways, He has my number. 3rd that has asked in two weeks, MAYBE he'll be the first to call…(please, please, please) and I have his number (that is a first) And...He asked if I wanted to hang out this weekend...once again, enough said. YAY! Good night! Breathe Deep...

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